Can children recieve Chiropractic care?

Yes they can!

It's a big advantage to take care of the spine and nervous system from a young age. Like taking care our teeth, skin, and eyes, the earlier we address spinal health, the better.


Children may not encounter the same stress as an adult. But, take a minute to think about learning to walk and falling, learning to ride a bike and falling, heavy backpack use, prooned hours of studying and computer/video game usage. There are many situations where a child could experience subluxations.


We want to give our children every possible advantage to grow and develop to their full potential. By taking care of their spine and nervous system, we allow optimal health throughout their childhood years. 


Click here for info on how to keep your child's spine healthy.

    CONTACT US AT       #(808) 948-8722


Moiliili Professional Bld.


2525 South King St., 

Suite 304

Honolulu, HI 96826


(3rd floor of

"Down to Earth"

Natural Food Store)




Monday, Wednesday, Friday:

8 am - 12 pm; 1 pm - 4:30 pm


Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday:

8 am - 12 pm


Sunday Closed