What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?
The Chiropractic adjustment is the method a Chiropractic doctor utilizes to correct spinal subluxations, the misalignments that place detrimental pressure upon the spinal nerves and spinal cord. The adjustments are highly skilled techniques specifically focused on correcting the malpositioned spinal bones. This helps the body to return to proper spinal alignment and movement, and allows optimal healing and functioning of the body.
There are different methods and techniques that a Chiropractor may use to correct subluxations. Here at Taira Chiropractic, Dr. Taira uses a gentle, hands-on technique that is comfortable and effective for all patients.
CONTACT US AT #(808) 948-8722
Moiliili Professional Bld.
2525 South King St.,
Suite 304
Honolulu, HI 96826
(3rd floor of
"Down to Earth"
Natural Food Store)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
8 am - 12 pm; 1 pm - 4:30 pm
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday:
8 am - 12 pm
Sunday Closed