How do I get Subluxations?

Subluxations are caused by stress.  There are three basic types of stress that can cause subluxations.


1. Physical stress – two types of physical stress are trauma and repetitive stress.
Trauma includes slips and falls, motor vehicle accidents, sporting injuries, and improper lifting.
Repetitive stress includes improper sleeping positions, poor posture and ergonomics.


2. Mental and Emotional stress includes anger, depression, anxiety, etc., which the body tends to hold stress in certain areas of the body.


3. Chemical stress include what we’re exposed to and what we put into our body. Things like alcohol, drugs, pollution and poor diet can be chemical causes of vertebral subluxations.


    CONTACT US AT       #(808) 948-8722


Moiliili Professional Bld.


2525 South King St., 

Suite 304

Honolulu, HI 96826


(3rd floor of

"Down to Earth"

Natural Food Store)




Monday, Wednesday, Friday:

8 am - 12 pm; 1 pm - 4:30 pm


Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday:

8 am - 12 pm


Sunday Closed