Does the Chiropractic adjustment hurt?


Done properly with a full spinal examination and the proper Chiropractic adjusting techniques, the Chiropractic adjustment actually feels good! By reducing the pressure upon the joints, muscles, and nerve system in a specific area, the bodys balanced is restored and the healing process can proceed.


In some cases, a patient may come in with a moderate to severe pain level. Working carefully and as gently as possible in these situations, a person may still be fairly sensitive during and after the adjustment. But, if spinal alignment and movement can be restored, the individual is able to move more freely which aids in the speed of their recovery.

    CONTACT US AT       #(808) 948-8722


Moiliili Professional Bld.


2525 South King St., 

Suite 304

Honolulu, HI 96826


(3rd floor of

"Down to Earth"

Natural Food Store)




Monday, Wednesday, Friday:

8 am - 12 pm; 1 pm - 4:30 pm


Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday:

8 am - 12 pm


Sunday Closed