
Scoliosis is a curving of the spine in a sideways position. In many cases, the cause of scoliosis is unknown. But, it is seen 7 times more commonly in females than males.


Most cases of scoliosis are diagnosed in childhood when the bones of the spine are still developing. It is often detected by a noticeable posture change where one shoulder is higher than the other, a shoulder blade may be "winging" out more, one hip is higher than the other, and a protruding rib cage on one side.


The skeletal system continues to develop will into the early 20's. If scoliosis goes undetected, it can worsen and cause many problems into adulthood. A common medial treatment approach has been to wait and see how bad the condition gets. Full body braces and even surgery have been more invasive treatments.


The Chiropractic approach is focused on addressing scoliosis from a natural standpoint. A thorough consultation, examination, and x-rays of the thoracic and/or lumbosacral spine (mid back, lower back, and tailbone area), will determine your Chiropractic care. A program of Chiropractic adjustments complimented with a stretching and strengthening program will aid in the care of scoliosis.


If you would like to find a natural approach for your scoliosis, give us a call at #948-8722, for your appointment today!

    CONTACT US AT       #(808) 948-8722


Moiliili Professional Bld.


2525 South King St., 

Suite 304

Honolulu, HI 96826


(3rd floor of

"Down to Earth"

Natural Food Store)




Monday, Wednesday, Friday:

8 am - 12 pm; 1 pm - 4:30 pm


Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday:

8 am - 12 pm


Sunday Closed