Sleep Problems

It's true! There's no substitute for a good night's rest. Sleep is your body's time to rest, recover, and rejuvenate from a day's worth of stress. Your body is naturally in tune with the circadian rhythm, a 24 hour body cycle responding to the light and darkness of our environment.


An average adults night's rest is approximately 6-8 hours. Some people get habitually desensitized to their natural sleep cycles and will get either less or more sleep than the average person. The sleep cycles are also affected by the time of going to sleep, the environment of sleep, and mode of waking up.


People most at risk for sleep problems are:

- excessively stressed individuals

- students

- shift workers

- travelers

- individuals that are depressed, anxious

- individuals with chronic pain

- individulas with breathing problems


Problems with sleep can result in many functional deficits such as a weakened immune system, weight problems, concentration/focus problems, impaired memory, difficulties learning, and decreased energy for physical activity.


The Chiropractic approach is focused on addressing the root cause of sleeping problems. A thorough consultation, examination will determine your Chiropractic care. A program of Chiropractic adjustments complimented with a stretching and strengthening program, nutritional suggestions, and sleep recommendations will aid in the resolution of sleep problems.


If you would like to find the solution for your sleep problems, give us a call at #948-8722, for your appointment today!

    CONTACT US AT       #(808) 948-8722


Moiliili Professional Bld.


2525 South King St., 

Suite 304

Honolulu, HI 96826


(3rd floor of

"Down to Earth"

Natural Food Store)




Monday, Wednesday, Friday:

8 am - 12 pm; 1 pm - 4:30 pm


Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday:

8 am - 12 pm


Sunday Closed