Whiplash is an injury of the neck where the head is whipped forward and backward. When the head is suddenly and forcefully jerked back and forth beyond normal limits, the supporting structures of the spine such as the muscles, ligaments, and discs may be injured.
Whiplash can happen from a multitude of reasons including a sporting injury, a slip/fall, and the most common a motor vehicle accident. In a rear end type of motor vehicle accident, studies have shown that even a 5 mph whiplash injury can cause damaging problems. This means that the unseen damage to your body can have severe and long lasting results days, weeks, and maybe even month after the accident.
Other symptoms associated with whiplash are neck pain, headaches/migraines, vertigo/dizziness, pain across the shoulders, carpal tunnel syndrome, trouble sleeping, chronic fatigue, inability to concentrate/focus.
The Chiropractic approach is focused on addressing the root cause of the symptoms of whiplash. A thorough consultation, examination, and x-rays of the cervical spine (neck area), will determine your Chiropractic care. A program of Chiropractic adjustments complimented with a stretching and strengthening program will aid in the resolution of the symptoms of whiplash.
If you would like to find the solution for your whiplash, give us a call at #948-8722, for your appointment today!
CONTACT US AT #(808) 948-8722
Moiliili Professional Bld.
2525 South King St.,
Suite 304
Honolulu, HI 96826
(3rd floor of
"Down to Earth"
Natural Food Store)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
8 am - 12 pm; 1 pm - 4:30 pm
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday:
8 am - 12 pm
Sunday Closed